Tag Archives: serengeti

District of Chit: part eleven/twelve & the aftermath

So this concludes our little experiment here on errordactyl (sorry Maipeisu).  I had to rap the photo shoot up in time to go meet a friend and get to the video store before it closed.  Plus, I’m not really sure I could drink a whole lot more than 12 shots in an hour-and-a-half anyway.  Also, I decided that I wasn’t getting drunk enough fast enough, so I doubled up on the shots for the last outfit here.  Talk about the straw that broke the camel’s back.  Ooph.  I forgot these things take a little time to set in, at least my Hollywood Video experience was fun though.

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Filed under it's the little things that count

District of Chit: parts three and four

I’m doubling up today, because otherwise this thing will go on forever.  Without giving a way too much, I drank a LOT that night.  Though loading this many pictures at once from my work computer is a harrowing task, frankly sometimes it seems like I could get a better internet connection with string and Dixie cups.  I also feel the need to give credit where credit is due, our girl is getting a little better at dressing herself.  “E” should consider sitting at home all day listening to hip-hop more often.  I’m sure whatever she usually does during the day is not nearly as important as whoring herself out on the internet for superficial ego validation.

So anyway, apparently three shots is the point at which I forget to unbutton my jacket when sitting down, and four is where I re-kindle my love for toy airplanes.

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Filed under it's the little things that count